Ayurvedic Shampoo

  • $13.50

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews

The soap is amazing. It lathers so well and the best part is that it’s all natural ingredients which are the best for your hair! Hair felt clean and soft after the wash!

Debora Podkowa

I've been using Emily's Ayurvedic Shampoo bar for 6-7 yrs now. I found it when I was experiencing excessive hair shed due to stress which it helped. Problem solved and I continue to use this bar. I alternate with Emily's Rosemary Mint Shampoo bar. I cut each in quarters which fit in my hand perfectly. I keep a supply on hand so I never run out,

I reviewed this shampoo bar several years ago and still think it is great! Thank you Emily's Homestead!

Debora Podkowa
Hair Returns

Emily's Ayurvedic was the first shampoo bar I tried. I found it several years ago and will never go back to commercially manufactured liquid shampoos.

I was experiencing extreme hair loss during a very stressful time in my life. Use of this shampoo bar and life stress neutralizing, my hair was fuller and more bodied then it has ever been. I have fine hair; using this bar and following advise included as to how to transition to using bars, my hair was transformed.

I alternate between the Ayurvedic bar and Emily's Rosemary Mint Shampoo Bar. Slicing bars in quarters makes perfect fit into hand. I also use Emily's Solid Conditioning Bar on the ends of my hair for more ease to comb out.

I camp a lot and these bars make hair washing a breeze. Great relief to avoid plastic bottles that have become so difficult to recycle.